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The Economic Measures from the Gov’t Program – UPDATE

The minimum wage of 2,000 lei starting January 2018

Dropped away on July 10th

Gov’t follows the electoral program from December 2016 on this issue:

January 2018 – 1,510 lei

January 2019 – 1,625 lei

January 2020 – 1,750 lei

Turnover tax

Dropped away on July 16th

PM Mihai Tudose: The simulations have been done. They weren’t very good, as a result Gov’t dropped away the measure.

Gov’t is not going to push the fiscal measures through GEO, but only through the Parliament (draft bills).

The tax on global income or the tax on the household

Dropped away on July 16th

PM Tudose: Gov’t is not prepared to implement the measure. The human resources and IT infrastructure are needed.

The measure will be implemented, but perhaps with some delaying – one, two or three years. Gov’t won’t take the measures by putting the pressure on the people.

Solidarity tax for wages higher than 14,500 lei

Dropped away on July 25th

Over taxation of the high wages would bring a small sum of additional money to the state budget...

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